
It will likely take you some time to adjust to chewing and eating with your new dentures, but over time you should be able to eat most foods normally. Always check with your dentist if any foods are causing you discomfort while chewing or if you are unsure of whether or not you should eat something.


There are several factors that will affect the lifespan of your dentures. They tend to wear away and become discoloured with usage just like natural teeth.
You mouth also tends to change with increasing age and your dentures may need to be refitted from time to time in order to match the shape of your mouth. In general, most people can expect to wear a set of dentures for 5-7 years before they need to be replaced.



These implants break through the limitations of conventional implant systems and allow placement of implants even where minimal bone is present. With this system, no person can be refused implants on grounds of insufficient bone. Using this, we have provided fixed teeth to many people who have previously been rejected by others. With basal implants, a person is transformed from no teeth to all fixed teeth within 4-5 days. The procedure is almost atraumatic as no cuts or stiches are involved. There is also no month’s long waiting period as the teeth are replaced within a few days.


They are used when the maxillary bone (upper jaw) lacks in quantity or quality for placement of normal conventional implants. These implants are placed into the zygomatic bone (i.e. the cheek bone). These implants are much longer than the regular implants.
Along with these implants, few conventional implants can be placed when restoring complete jaw for teeth to be placed.


You may experience some discomfort for a few days following the procedure. Once your dental implants are in place you can care for them just as you do for your natural teeth, with regular brushing, flossing and dental cleanings.


. Dental implants are small ports that act as the root of a tooth for a crown to be placed over. They are often used in situations where there is serious tooth damage or a missing tooth, where only using a crown in unfeasible.



The longevity of a teeth whitening session will largely depend upon your lifestyle choices, especially consumption of coffee/red wine and smoking cigarettes. All of which can stain your teeth as well. If maintained well, teeth whitening can last from six months to several years.


Patients typically experience temporary increase in tooth sensitivity after whitening. But the sensitivity returns back to normal in 1-2 days after the procedure.



Temporary fillings are generally recommended in cases where multiple sessions are required to design and cast the permanent filling. Since walking around with an open cavity is dangerous for your oral health. The dentist often uses a temporary filling to bridge the gap in the meantime.


. The dentist starts by removing any of the decaying and dead tooth enamel that cannot be saved with a small drill and then cleans out the cavity to prepare it for filling. They then place the filling material into the cavity and finish by cleaning and polishing the tooth.



One of the best thing about veneers is that they don’t require any additional maintenance or cleaning beyond typical good oral hygiene practices such as brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist regularly.


Veneers are materials bonded to your teeth to improve their appearance due to issues such as chipping, excessive wear, misalignment or uneven placement. They are typically made of porcelains or composites.